Welcome to Envision Tomorrow!

Envision Tomorrow is Lacey’s Comprehensive Plan Update that sets a clear vision for
the city over the next 20 years—addressing housing, parks and open space, economic
development, historic preservation, public services, the environment, and more.

Envision Tomorrow is about community input

The policies we establish today will help us achieve our long-term goals—goals that we
develop through a meaningful public process with people from all walks of life.

Upcoming Events

Open House – February 12 at 6:00 p.m.

Your voice matters! The City invites you to an open house to help shape the future of our community. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and learn more about the Comprehensive Plan, a roadmap for guiding growth and development for years to come in the City of Lacey. Drop by City Hall on Wednesday, February 12 for an Open House from 6 to 8 p.m. to explore key topics like housing, transportation, and economic development. We want to hear from you!

Envision Tomorrow: Key Phases

Phase 1 – Vision 

At citywide events, people share their hopes for Lacey’s future.

Phase 2 – Local Needs
(Current Phase)

People discuss issues specific to their community at local workshops.

Phase 3 – Draft Policies

The City presents individual policies for public review and comments.

Phase 4 – Final Plan

The Envision Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan Update launches online.

Phase 1

At citywide events, people share their hopes for Lacey’s future.

Phase 2
Local Needs

People discuss issues specific to their community at local workshops.

Phase 3
Draft Policies

The City presents individual policies for public review and comments.

Phase 4
Final Plan

The Envision Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan Update launches online.

Phase 1 – Vision 

At citywide events, people share their hopes for Lacey’s future.

Phase 2 – Local Needs
(Current Phase)

People discuss issues specific to their community at local workshops.

Phase 3 – Draft Policies

The City presents individual policies for public review and comments.

Phase 4 – Final Plan

The Envision Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan Update launches online.

Get Involved!

Envision Tomorrow will provide many opportunities for people to share their thoughts and ideas, from townhall meetings and neighborhood conversations to online surveys and policy reviews. We seek input from as many people as possible.

We encourage everyone to share what they love about Lacey, as well as their dreams for how our community can grow. The decisions we make today can benefit future generations through opportunities for housing, local businesses, transportation, and the environment.

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